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We love one another



We meet most Mondays to soak up the Truth from Sunday's message. You can find a recording of the sermon at the church website at SERMONS.  Bring your Bible and your questions.

All women are welcome.

Image by Becca Tapert

This space is where middle and high school girls come together to encourage one another to pursue stronger relationships with the Lord by diving into His Word on a weekly basis! Each session allows for individual attention to be given to all the girls' current situations that week, along with a discussion of the Bible study lesson and applications followed by corporate prayer.


All ladies are invited to gather once a month over a simple meal to share our lives with one another. God's Word is esteemed through a devotional or a personal testimony.

Please see the calendar of events for upcoming dates and locations.

Sermon Soaks

Teen Ladies Bible Study

Women's Breakfast

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